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Your Plan To Get Moving

Our colleagues at Pedder are working with homeowners, landlords and a professional virtual tour company to provide videos of all properties for sale and to rent.

These videos can be seen on the Pedder website, Rightmove and their YouTube channel along with photographs and floorplans. They will be  providing more professional video tours over the next few weeks where possible. If a more in-depth virtual tour is required this can be arranged on a case by case basis with one of their experienced agents, who are on hand throughout your property journey to offer their advice and guidance.
You can find more information here

Looking to Sell??

Improve Your Properties Exterior Appeal

Stand outside your home and compare it to your neighbors' properties. If you do this and it makes you feel slightly mortified, it's likely that you've already failed to impress potential buyers.

A few ideas which could improve the exterior appeal:

  • Make sure your lawn is neatly mowed
  • Make sure your gutters have been cleaned out 
  • Repaint/ touch up your window frames 
  • Make sure your paving/ tiling is even and clean 
  • Trim all overgrown shrubs and bushes. Plant some new flowers greenery if you think this will improve the look 
  • Make sure you don’t have a surplus of weeds. Does this say that I embrace all forms of nature, or that I'm a lazy homeowner who probably hasn't maintained the rest of the property very well either?
  • Declutter

    If you've accumulated a lot of bits and pieces over the years, now's the time to either a) throw them out, b) give them to charity or c) find proper, neat places for them in a closet or cupboard.

    Pay specific attention to:

  • Books, CDs and DVDs
  • Ornaments and knick-knacks
  • Kitchen tools and appliances that currently live on the counters
  • Potted plants
  • Posters on your children's bedroom walls
  • Spring clean

    We're not talking about a quick once-over. Serious attention to detail is necessary here.

  • Dust the skirting boards 
  • Clean the windows (inside and out) and then polish them for extra shine
  • Dust light fixtures and furniture
  • Vacuum 
  • Clean your carpets
  • Get rid of cobwebs
  • Polish taps and mirrors
  • Clean out the refrigerator and deodorise it by a) placing an open box of baking soda inside it to soak up odours and b) wiping down the inside surfaces with vanilla extract
  • Bleach tile grout
  • Scrub the oven clean
  • Repair, restore, revamp

    The devil is in the details, and the sale of your home could be hampered by simple little things that you've stopped paying attention to. Try to look at your home from the perspective of your buyer, and think about the details that would impress you if you were in their position.

  • Replace broken light bulbs
  • Fix leaky taps
  • Fix doors and drawers that don't open or close properly
  • Repair cracks in the walls
  • Touch up paint and repaint altogether where necessary (in a neutral colour)
  • Hang up fresh towels in the bathroom
  • Get a new shower curtain and bathmat (again, choose neutral shades)
  • Get rid of that busy wallpaper that you loved five years ago. Remove it and then paint the walls - don't simply paint over it, as it will be obvious to your buyer and make the wallpaper difficult to remove
  • Eradicate odours - particularly those from cigarette smoke, mildew and pets. Open the windows and air out your house. 
  • Replace cushion covers, bedspreads and curtains that are worn or have garish colours and patterns
  •  Make the Most of Your Properties Light

    There are other ways to maximise the light in your house - natural or otherwise.

  • Replace dim light bulbs with higher wattage
  • Don't just pull open those heavy, dark curtains - pull them down altogether
  • In areas of your house that are particularly dark, install some extra light fixtures
  • Repaint darker rooms with light-coloured and light-reflecting paint
  • Prune any trees or vines that are casting shadows inside the house

Looking to Buy??

Get to grips with the key terms

When deciding to step up on to the property ladder, a lot of us don’t know what some of the house buying terminology means, or that it even exists. Getting to know the key moving terms before you make an offer can help to ensure the transaction runs smoothly and quickly.
Calculate the cost of buying a house

Your outgoings when buying a house aren’t limited to the deposit, so it is important to take into consideration the other costs involved with purchasing a property when deciding your budget:

  • Stamp duty
  • A house survey
  • Conveyancing solicitors
  • Removals